Today I would like to talk about very sensitive topic. Sensitive for the time we are living in.
But because it prevents so many people from achieving their dreams, reaching their goals, and being happy, I will do it anyway.
Don’t read it if you are not ready.
I am talking about our emotions.
In a past, there was no place for our emotions.
In a past, there was no place for our emotions. Don’t cry, don’t feel, don’t express yourself! Remember?
But now days is opposite. Cry as much you need, feel the feeling, express yourself, don’t hold back. Notice?
There is no right, no wrong. Ok, the past was wrong, definitely. But. Today?
Ask yourself, what do you want? What do you want from life?
Emotions are great, they are indicators what is going on. It is important to feel how we feel. But.
Emotions should give us a guidance, but not to control us!
Emotions should give us a guidance, but not to control us! Read this again!
It is great to be happy, but don’t walk around euphoric all day. It is important to feel sorrow and allow yourself to be sad, but don’t let saddens control you for a week, or even a month. Sometimes it is years that people are sad, and can’t get out of it.
Successful people and athletes feel their emotions, but they decide how long they want to feel them. An athlete wins a competition, she is happy, but she knows, there is only short time for celebration. There is training waiting in the afternoon.
A business person just lost a deal, all his money. He can feel the sorrow, sadness, but knows he need to pick up himself and start again. Fast.
Unsuccessful people don’t feel to exercise, and they don’t.
Unsuccessful people don’t feel to exercise, and they don’t. They don’t feel to start a business, and they don’t. They feel sorry and take a long time to go out of it.
It is important to feel, but don’t let your emotions control you.
How long can I feel an emotion? You decide! What do you want from life? How much time do you have to feel the emotions? Can you take a week of?
A mother can be sad, but if children are waiting for her, she needs to go over it and become a happy mother.
Don’t let emotions stop you from your life, when you experience defeat, setback, when things go wrong.
Don’t let sorrow stop you from being happy and experience life.
Don’t let emotions do you, you do the emotions!