In a relationship, it is not enough that you work on yourself.

In a relationship, it is not enough that you work on yourself.

In a relationship, it is not enough that you work on yourself. Self-development is very important. The problem is that personal growth rarely includes working on a relationship. Many people are surprised. They are working on themselves, but their relationship is not developing. Sometimes is even getting worse; they become distant from their partner. If…

Why do couples who argue often have a difficult time restoring their communication?

Why do couples who argue often have a difficult time restoring their communication?

Why do couples who argue often have a difficult time restoring their communication? When we speak, we don’t exchange only words. During our intense communication, we hurt each other Energetically. Because of our energetical injuries, which are getting deeper and deeper, we become very sensitive and reactive. Because we are hurting, we have a hard…