Certified Energy Success Coach, Spiritual Medium, Relationship Coach, Founder and CEO Energy Success Coaching Academy, Personal Growth Expert, Transformational Coach, Trainer, Mentor, Life, and Motivational Coach, Lecturer, former professional cyclist, WonHwaDo master (Korean martial art).
I have been Coaching and Training students for more than twelve years, and more than a thousand participants and students attended my workshops and individual coaching classes.
(More about me >>)
Certified Energy Success Coach, Spiritual Medium, Relationship Coach, Life Coach, Intuitive and Transformational Coach, Reiki master, EFT Practitioner, former mountain guide, and half-marathon runner, dog lover, lover of Life.
Team Happiness Managers, Little Dog Angels, Furry Therapists in Stressful Moments, Source of Happiness, and Fun.
PS. Working very hard most of the time. 😉